There’s no denying the fact that the current business landscape is extremely dynamic and volatile, especially because even now, in early June of 2020, we still have no clear view of an end in sight.
Naturally, this shaky climate has led to a mass wave of budgetary and spending cuts. According to recent research by Gartner, 65% of CMOs and marketing leaders expect to see moderate or significant decreases in budgets, with 33% expecting to see significant cuts.
When making tough decisions for the future of your business, it’s important to take an even-keeled, methodical approach to ensure sustainability. This blog will help you as a marketing leader identify how to most effectively optimise your marketing costs.
When it comes to evaluating operational costs, it’s crucial to appropriately consider the long-term impacts of such decisions. If there is one thing we’d like you to take away from this blog, it is that it’s imperative to maintain a strategic and holistic viewpoint. Don’t rush into any decisions you may potentially regret later, and make sure to consider all elements when making decisions. This includes evaluating everything from your team to your suppliers, processes, and technologies to determine what is expendable, what is not, and what can be simplified, automated or better utilised to improve organisational efficiency and financial fitness.
Manpower represents a large portion of your marketing spending. But that doesn’t mean the answer is to start slashing jobs left and right. First, consider if there are any opportunities to redirect resources. Can you combine any roles or automate manual or low-value work? Perhaps you can standardise the way your team sets objectives, measures performance, and delivers projects to drive greater efficiency and accountability? Sometimes, the answer lies less in cuts and more in bringing the most out of your people by finding ways to apply their talents where they provide the highest value to the business.
The same goes for your business partners. You should constantly review, evaluate, and renegotiate relationships, particularly when priorities and timing are changing and potentially creating new sets of requirements.
Effective marketing is driven by effective processes. The key is to prioritise, streamline, and automate to ensure that you can deliver substantial cost optimisation results. This includes:
The key to being effective when evaluating and making changes to technology lies in maximising what you have and identifying new opportunities to increase efficiency. It’s no secret that marketing departments love spending on technology. However, the other side of the coin is that far too many admit to failing to take advantage of the full capabilities that their marketing technology stack has to offer. When it comes to optimising, focus on the following:
The pressure of cutting costs is on marketers, but that doesn’t mean that decisions should be made in haste. Don’t be reactive. Make sure your optimisation efforts deliver meaningful results both in the short- and long-term. Furthermore, don’t fall into the trap of focusing only on cost elimination. Doing this will only cause you to overlook areas for potential cost optimisation. Lastly, don’t ignore the less obvious opportunities available. Operational costs can often be difficult to spot behind more obvious trims to programs, campaigns, or technology budgets.
Remember—a strategic approach with a holistic viewpoint is the key. Follow the recommendations in this blog, and you will set yourself up for success for the remainder of 2020 and beyond.